ロシアが破壊「世界最大の飛行機」の操縦席映像が衝撃だった エンジン6発 ”怪鳥”のような規格外フォルム
【規格外の極み!】6人で運航! 怪鳥An-225のコクピットを45秒動画で見る
#Antonov Airline’s #AN-225 Mriya returned to the commercial market by safely transporting equipment from the Middle-East to the United Kingdom, supporting a withdrawal in #NATO presence from the region.
— ANTONOV Airlines (@AirlinesAntonov) July 2, 2021
The AN-225 Mriya – the only one in the world – has cargo capacity up to 250 t pic.twitter.com/IREkYptxxT